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Aaron McGarvey

Portfolio and Case Studies

Building resiliency in stormwater and combined systems.

Case Study - Flooding and CSO Prediction Using Flow Sensors

USE CASE: Stormwater and Flood Risk Management


In city governments and transit agencies, millions of dollars of critical operational decisions hinge on knowing the answer to one simple question: "Will it flood?"

Yet technologies for hyper-local real-time flood prediction are still hard to come by. As climate change bears down upon us, municipalities face increasing pressure to protect their critical infrastructure utilizing both adaptation and mitigation strategies. Take Combined Sewer Overflows as an example: despite reliable weather forecasts, Cities and Utilities still struggle to understand if they will experience a CSO during a given rain storm.

OUTCOME: Know if you will experience a CSO.

By utilizing data from sensors deployed throughout storm and sanitary sewers, Aaron built a model that successfully correlates weather forecasts with CSOs and other overflow events, and provides up to 6 hours of advance notice of flooding at a hyper-local level. Though still a work-in-progress, the model is being deployed in some of the largest and most operationally-important transit hubs in the entire world.