Data Analysis and Visualization

These services are meant for utilities or consultants facing a specific problem who already have a well-defined and accesible dataset they wish to analyze.


Sample deliverables:


Dashboarding services are meant for utilities or consultants looking for insight into their data on-demand. Unlike a static analysis, dashboards are designed to deal with data that may change over time.


Sample deliverables:

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

AI and ML services involve anything around prediction, anomaly detection, or classification, and are reserved for more advanced problems.


Sample deliverables:

Full-Stack Web Development

Building an app? These services are for utilites, consultants, or startups who are looking for software engineering expertise.


Digital Product Management

Product Management services are for those looking for guidance on how to go about understanding the needs of their end users, and how to design, build, and deploy your product to maximize your chances of success.


Water Industry Business Consulting

Learn from a Project Manager and Data Scientist who was at the core of a $80 Million digital transformation effort at the largest water utility in the US.

Sample use cases:

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Aaron McGarvey


Aaron's services cover three main areas: data analysis and modeling, full stack application development, and water industry business consulting.